Alchemy of Symbols Course - with info button

Art, Spirit, Image

 4 April - 31 May 2025

This course is aimed at psychotherapists, psychologists, counsellors, social workers, coaches, and those working in the mental health and wellness field, wishing to understand the fundamentals of Jungian and post-Jungian psychology in clinical practice. This is a unique focused and in-depth learning opportunity in Jungian and post-Jungian theory and clinical application, with a global faculty of senior Jungian clinicians and academics.

PLEASE NOTE: This course is not a formal training or accreditation as a Jungian analyst. It is offered as continuing professional development for practising psychotherapists. In terms of the number of CEUs offered for the course, you will need to check with your local accreditation body.

Course Overview


Presented by Felicia Matto-Shepard

12 April 2025

Presented by Luke Hockley

26 April 2025

 Presented by Murray Stein
17 May 2025

Presented by Verena Kast

31 May 2025

Modules Include

* Four (4) Modules exploring key Jungian Concepts and their Clinical Application

A 2-hour webinar with the module presenter, a formal lecture and an extended Q&A.
These webinars are presented live and recorded for those unable to make the live webinar.

Essential reading, set by each module presenter and made available as part of the programme reading pack.

A self-reflective application for each module.

Access to our learning platform with all module materials, applications, CPD quizzes and
a private course forum for discussion

Peer Discussion Group midway through course, to share questions and discuss concepts explored
with peers in the international student body.

Course Process per Module

* Access and download your reading pack for the Module

Live lecture that is recorded for students who cannot attend.

Work through Applications provided to deepen you personal experience and understanding of the module content.

Complete a 15 question multiple choice questionnaire – Only required should you wish to receive CPD- Continuing Professional Development Points/ CEU – Continuing Education Units.


Course Fee Includes

* Four Online Lectures with Q&As

Course Materials

Facilitated Private Course Forum and
One Live Peer Discussion Zoom Session

Access to Jung Unplugged - A Jungian Lexicon


Time Requirements

You will need a total of six to eight hours per month. All studying can be done in your own time, with the exception of the webinar, which happens at a fixed time – every other week,  on a Saturday. The webinar is also recorded, should you be unable to make the live broadcast.



This course is certified with 28 CPD’s.

Registration Information

  1. Course Duration:     8 Weeks

Course Start Date: 
   April 4, 2025

US $250 Single Payment or US $100 per Month (3 Month Payment Plan)

Developing world and training analysts:  Contact us to Receive Reduced Price*

Please Note

This online course is aimed students from all over the world, those working with human relations, welfare, emotional growth and development and spiritual directions. Specifically at those in the psychotherapeutic field: clinicians, psychotherapists, social workers, counsellors and psychologists, wishing to either be introduced to or deepen their existing knowledge of Jungian psychology.

NB. The course is not a formal training or accreditation as a Jungian analyst. It is offered as continuing professional development for practising psychotherapists. In terms of the number of CEUs offered for the course, you will need to check with your local accreditation body.

See Below for More Course Info and Faculty

Normal text.

Registration and Bookings

Clinical Concepts runs April 4-May 31, 2025

Single Payment - $250

Payment Plan - $100 Month for 3 Months

Developing world and training analysts* - Contact us for Reduced Rate

Should you have any queries, please email for more information

*Developing World:  Latin-America including Mexico, Eastern Europe, rest of Asia, Africa

* Please note that Payment Plans are only supported when paying with debit or credit card and not when paying via Paypal.

Course Ethos

‘Jungian and post-Jungian Clinical Concepts’ was inspired by the challenge presented by the Jungian scholars and clinicians at the ‘Spectre of the Other in Jungian Psychology,’ an International Association of Jungian Studies conference that took place in Cape Town in 2017. Where, the urgent need to reach those previously excluded from the teaching and ideas of Jungian psychology, be it for reasons of location, economics or historical prejudices, was unequivocally sounded. In its own modest way, this course sets out to  achieve that. By virtue of offering top-class tuition in Jungian psychotherapy, outside of its traditional setting, being non-localised (online), and a tiered fee structure, the aim is explicitly to democratise the learning opportunities offered by Jungian psychology,  broaden the reach of these tools and to be as inclusive as possible.


Felicia Matto-Shepard

Felicia Matto-Shepard, MFT is a Jungian Analyst, artist and a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco practicing in Petaluma, CA. She works at the threshold where nonverbal experience is transformed into image and language. She facilitates Alchemical Art workshops utilizing creative processes such as art making, ritual and movement. licia holds a Certificate in Psychedelic Therapies and Research from California Institute of Integral Studies and is trained in the use of Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, as well as MDMA Assisted Therapy at MAPS.  Felicia is a teaching faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco and past faculty member in the Depth Psychology Master’s Program at Sonoma State University.  She offers lectures, workshops and analytic training internationally.

Luke Hockley
Luke Hockley (PhD), is Professor Emeritus of the University of Bedfordshire and Honorary Professor at the University of Essex in the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies. For over a decade he was joint Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Jungian Studies. He is currently Vice President of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies and sits on the Board of the Society’s Journal. Luke is editor and author of nine books and numerous chapters and articles.  He is a registered Psychotherapist in the UK and lives in the countryside north of London.
Murray Stein
Murray Stein, Ph.D. is a Jungian psychoanalyst practicing in Zurich, Switzerland. He is a former president of the IAAP and is a training and supervising analyst at ISAP Zurich. His books include Jung’s Treatment of Christianity (1985), In MidLife (1983), Jung’s Map of the Soul(1998), Minding the Self (2014), Outside Inside and All Around (2017) and most recently The Bible as a Dream (2018). For more information visit his website
Verena Kast

Dr. Verena Kast was Professor of Psychology at the University of Zurich and is a training analyst, supervisor and lecturer at the C.G. Jung, Institute of Zurich, Küsnacht. She is president of the Curatorium. Author of numerous books among others: The Dynamics of Symbols (1990), Father-Daughter, Mother-Son (1994), Letting go and finding yourself (1994). For more information visit her website

Questions? Contact Us.

Clinical Concepts - Testimonials

Thank you so much for a fantastic course! I found every module and presenter to be very rich and have drawn on the concepts and insights a great deal in my practice (and my personal life!). I participated in this program to validate applying for the analyst training since it is such a big commitment. With the very engaging, knowledgeable presentations, it didn’t take too long to validate
~ Kelly P.
Fantastic program!  You guys do a fantastic job.  It was stimulating and very thought-provoking and very eye opening about the clinical world through the Jungian/Pos- jungian lens.
~ Cate O.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in conceptualising this, drawing all the speakers together, facilitating and behind the scenes work, and to all who participated. It was really a great experience, and I am very grateful.
~ Dain P.
I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the Jungian and Post Jungian Clinical Concepts course.   Outstanding presentations provided and so much more learning to continue alongside the Life-long study in Jungian Psychology.
~ Kathleen M.
Thank you so much for a wonderful year of inspiring lectures!  The recordings and readings continued to provide learning and inspiration.
~ Jennifer N.
I would like to thank you for setting up and running this online course. It has been a wonderful learning opportunity and really enjoyed delving deep into Jungian psychology. it was great to learn from the best authors and practitioners worldwide. It definitely added much value to my practice as coach and career counsellor.
~ Anne R.

Welcome to Clinical Concepts - Art, Spirit, Image

We are pleased to have you join us in this 4 module exploration of key Jungian concepts and their clinical applications. Carli Castellani is your program coordinator and your guide through the course – contact her with course inquiries here:  For any administrative/finance issues, contact

Your can navigate to the Private Community Forum for this course
by clicking on 'Community' at the top of this page, or by following this link -

We officially begin on April 4, 2025. 
The first live lecture takes place April 12, 2025
Intro Materials and Course Schedule Appear Here

Links to Your 2024 Clinical Concepts Materials

~ Art Spirit, Image Materials Appear Below Once Available  ~

Course Contents