“Salvation is a long road that leads through many gates.
These gates are symbols. Each new gate
is at first invisible; indeed it seems at first that
it must be created, for it exists only if one has dug
up the spring's root, the symbol.”

Carl Gustav Jung

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What Is Transformation Through Symbols?

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Life is hard. We often feel overwhelmed by our responsibilities and lose sight of what once made us excited, happy and imbued our world with mystery and wonder. We lose touch with who we are, what we want, and what we need. Working with symbols is an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves on a deep and profound level – to find out again who we are, what makes our souls sing, what connects us to ourselves and what we hold most dear. This 10 week course is the opportunity that you have been waiting for to take this step towards knowing yourself again and connecting with your soul language.

The great alchemists of antiquity sought for the key to transmutation, transforming the base into the refined, lead into gold, the prima materia (primal material) into the Lapis Philosophorum (the philosophers stone), the worthless into that with the highest value. Jung’s great insight into the alchemical tradition both Western and Eastern is that these practices are symbolic in nature. That the Lapis (the alchemist’s stone) was nothing less than a symbol of the soul. Whilst at the material level alchemy was a precursor to modern chemistry, at the level of psyche or spirit, its heir is most assuredly Jungian psychology.


“Alchemical ideas are expressed almost entirely in
an extraordinarily rich symbolism. The help
which alchemy affords us in understanding the symbols of the individuation process is, in my
opinion, of the utmost importance.”

Carl Gustav Jung

Course Overview

Course Duration:     10 Weeks
Course Start Date:
    April  1, 2025
US $250 Single Payment or US $100 per Month (3 Month Payment Plan)

"Analysis and reduction lead to casual truth;
this by itself does not help us to live but only induces resignation and hopelessness. On the other hand, the recognition of the intrinsic value of a symbol leads to constructive truth and helps us to live; it inspires hopefulness and furthers the possibility of future development…the symbol always says: in some such form as this new manifestation of life will become possible, a release from bondage, and world weariness. The libido that is freed from the unconscious by means of the symbol appears as a rejuvenated god.”

Carl Gustav Jung

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What does this mean though? How do we symbolize our experiences to take meaning from them? This is what we will be exploring and guiding you though during this course. Both understanding how the process of symbolization works, and, most importantly, actually applying this to your own life, world, and psyche.

Jung said that we yearn for meaning to escape the awful, grinding banal life where we are reduced to “nothing but”. He further stated that the only thing that makes this life something worth living, something sublime and meaningful, that raises our experience above the prosaic and reductive, is learning to see the world symbolically.
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What Does This Course Focus On?

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This course will guide you in the exploration and application of symbols for increased meaning, re-imagining your life, re-enchanting your world and the practical and very real application of alchemical transformation. With the tool of symbolisation we are able raise and refine the world around and within us; recognising something beautiful and sublime, a world filled with wonder and magic. We are able to reclaim the sovereign right of our perceptive faculty, such that that it is not wholly dominated by the imposed meanings external, and often inauthentic, to us. Through this process we are able to reconnect with the numinous, soul-filled world, allowing meaning to re-enter our lives.

This is an excellent introduction to symbol work for those new to Jung; and for more seasoned practitioners it will provide a fresh perspective and structure in which to work with symbols and symbolic content. The five key areas of focus are:


Naturally Occurring Symbols in your Internal
and External Worlds


Archetypal structures


Symbols as a Tool for Assimilating Loss or Trauma


Using Symbols to Reconstitute and Refine Your World


Escaping the Reductive Tyranny of the Literal and
Reconnecting with Your Soul

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Who Is This Course For?

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This course is for anyone who wants:

* creative inspiration

* to experience themselves on a deeper level

* work through a trauma or need healing

* to learn about the power and activation of symbols

* to enter a multi-dimensional world of matter & psyche

* to bring about a shift in the external and internal world

* move beyond feeling stuck or bored

* to connect with their soul life and the transcendent principle

How Does The Course Work?

Symbols of Transportation is an online programme, and runs for 10 weeks, starting on the 1st of April, 2025. The course includes both elements of working through the material on your own, as well as interacting with others on the course on private school forum.

There will be one live Zoom session during the course, which will be recorded and made available to view.   All learning material is made available in our online school, for you to access -- and consists of a podcast and PDF reading material.  

At the beginning of each week you will receive access to the week's material, as both a podcast and transcript, focusing on one of the five respective elements we will be covering in the course.
Group work and guidance with the applications are facilitated on the private and confidential Course Forum included in the course.  Forum participation is optional, but please note that should you elect not to participate on the Forum, you will miss out on the shared experience of the community and facilitation on the course.

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Registration And Bookings

Symbols of Transformation starts Monday, April 1, 2025

Single Payment - $250
Payment Plan - $100 Month for 3 Months


-Cada viaje es una aventura-,
Each journey is an adventure,
we were part of a team
searching with a loupe
our inner home
and the unknown in us.
Many symbols were born,
discovered, or even created,
by our inner force.
As my grandmother repeated:
May God Bless You,
Dear travelers,
unknown and yet known,
Good life to everyone. 
~ Bianca
Would just like to say thank you so much for this quite incredible, potent symbolic journey. Thank you to the organisers for creating such a safe space for sharing and thank you to everyone for being on this journey together. So much insight, richness, creativity and compassion. It's been a privilege to be on this journey with you all 🙏❤️
~ Hanne Lisa
I want to thank you again for this valuable course. My intention was to deepen into the many powerful symbols that have informed and guided me over the years, knowing that their was more gold there to mine. And this certainly proved to be the case. You provided a wealth of material that I will continue to work with as my life unfolds...revealing more layers of the complex
world tapestry that I'm woven into!.
~ Marilan
Hi there! Today I wish feel you all close to me, like a life belt. This course has digged deeply. It has lighted a fire and enlightened routes, roads, images that like gentle and tender but also painful and distressing spirits had come to me and I stayed with them. I walk under their eyes. Arrivederci Tasha. Arrivederci Anneke Janna e tutti voi.
Grazie a tutto lo staff e a tutti i compagni di viaggio. Grazie a tutti. A presto.
~ Giovanella
As we come to the end of this insightful and revealing course, I'd like to thank Anneke and Tasha for their guidance, for " hitting the nail on the head" and enabling me to see another way.
Thanks too to Caleb for the tech work, and to the fellow students who shared and empathized , with stories art and encouragement.
I have resisted doing the work at times, and grappled with parts of it however, when I've been focused and intent, I have felt a sense of fulfillment, of parts of me which had shattered into fragments, slipping slowly into wholeness.
I will hold very dearly and closely some of the content and the symbols which have become meaningful.
I wish all going forward to be bold and brave.
~ Terri
I wanted to post and say thank you to AppliedJung and everyone else at CAJS for this course.
This is the seventh course I have taken with CAJS over the last two years, and the cumulative effect has been nothing short of life changing.
It is also the second time I have done this Symbols course.
~ Guy

Symbols of Transformation

Course Materials Become Available Here April 1, 2025

Course contents