The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies is offering a focused, online, twelve-week, course on dialogue with the unconscious towards the practice of individuation. Albedo, the stage of illumination, is an investigation of dream work, symbols, active imagination, and the essential role of the ego consciousness.
Course Overview
Course Duration: 12 Weeks
Course Content:
The Ego

What is This Course About?
Carl Gustav Jung realised that many of his patients experienced symptoms of dissatisfaction, depression and feeling stuck. They felt this way not because they suffered from any mental illness, but because they were trapped in a reality where the ego driven goals of career, family and status had become meaningless and suffocating. Working with this feedback from his patients and a lifetime of research and reflection on this question of meaning, he developed the system of Jungian, (Analytical) Psychology. A theorem designed to reconnect the individual with their essential self.
His system promotes psychological health by virtue of the individual being able to re-imagine their ego personality and revitalise their personal identity. The inspiration for this process and infusion of libido comes from the archetypal energy and symbolism latent in the unconscious psyche.
Albedo will introduce and teach you the key elements involved in working with symbols and teach you the skills and tools that you will need to engage and work with your own unconscious. Jung realised that only through communication with the unconscious can we bring meaning, life and feeling back into our lives.
This communication is activated during symbol work, active imagination and dream interpretation. This dialogue with the unconscious is achieved through engaging with what is typically unseen and yet has a profound impact on living a life with purpose and meaning.
The goal of Jungian work is not to change yourself, to become perfect, to overcome who you are or better adapt. It is rather, the realisation of authenticity and wholeness. This process is called individuation – a movement towards yourself.
This journey is towards truly accepting yourself, recognizing and learning to appreciate your unique individuality. A journey towards meaning, purpose and joy in what makes you unique, simply, what makes “you” you.
This programme is open to all, regardless of previous experience with Jungian or psychodynamic theory. This is an excellent introduction to the key concepts in Applied Jungian Psychology.
These concepts are engaged with using a creative and reflective perspective. The course is designed to facilitate the development of a more holistic perspective on yourself and the world around you. The focus is on individuation, meaning and consciousness.

What Does the Course Focus On?
What Will I Gain?
The goal of this course is to allow you to engage yourself with interest, compassion and kindness. To allow yourself the wonder of finding out who you really are and the space to engage yourself on a deep and profound level.
Engaging with symbols, their meaning and their power for transformation is a process that is reflective and liberating. Symbols in dreams will help you uncover the hidden messages from your unconscious. Join this course and learn the skills and tools for ongoing personal transformation. Learn the language of the soul and engage the innermost essence of yourself in order to bring a new level of understanding and access to a layered, complex and fascinating personal reality.
Albedo will introduce you to a world of magic and wonder that you are currently unaware of. The course will teach you the methods of identifying symbols, how to uncover the meaning of these symbols and allow you to uncover the hidden projections which are filled with potential for growth and self awareness.
Albedo will guide you and empower you to uncover what moves you, what inspires you and your unconscious belief systems that drive you. The movement is inwards, to discover the wonder of who you are and re-enchanting your relationship with the world around you and with yourself.
This course will enable you to:
* Engage in a dialogue between the conscious ego and the soul.
* Uncover and engage your most deeply held desires.
* Identify your personal and archetypal symbols.
* Learn the practical techniques of increasing consciousness.
* Understand and practice Jungian dream interpretation.
* Apply the technique of active imagination.
How does the Course Work?
The course is a facilitated, self-study, online programme that is supported by mentors and a community on a private group. Albedo consists of six modules. Each module is explored over a two week period. The learning material is delivered to your email in the form of a link to a podcast and a transcript. There are discussions on the private forum on each topic as well as guidance on the applications and exercises.
The focus of the Centre for Applied Jungian Studies is on the application of these psychodynamic concepts. It is through reflection and personal application that these ideas are made conscious and transmutation is achieved.
What Will I Get?
* A pre and post course questionnaire to help you gauge your progress on the course.
* Albedo consists of six two-week modules: every second week you will receive a podcast and a transcript, containing the lecture and applications for the current module.
* A comprehensive practical and applied lecture on each of the concepts covered.
* Facilitators who will answer your questions and offer guidance.
* Applications and exercises for each module with which to integrate the concepts and apply them to your own life and psyche.
* A list of additional reading material and YouTube videos for each concept covered in the programme.
* Access to an international student body and facilitation team hosted on a private Forum for the duration of the programme.
* Three live online sessions with the Centre's Head of Learning, Stephen Anthony Farah and Course Faculty
Registration and Bookings
Albedo Starts May 26, 2025
Albedo Testimonials

Welcome to Albedo! We are pleased to have you join us. This is your go-to page to access course materials. Overview and preparatory materials appear here & below prior to start date. Module materials will be available in the course player below, as they are released.
Course Facilitators
Support Team Contacts
Jess M. can assist with administrative/finance inquiries, such as status of payment plans, etc. Email: jess@appliedjung.com.
Caleb Farah can assist with technical inquiries. Email: caleb@appliedjung.com
Course Preparatory Materials Appear Below as They Become Available
Course begins May 26, 2025